Welcome to my blog

I’m an artist. It took me a long time to call myself that despite wanting to be an artist for most of my life.

It’s not an unusual story among artists, I loved creating art as a child and by the time I was a teenager, it was the only thing I wanted to do with my life.

I graduated from art school with a BFA but got lost in a different career early on. More than 10 years passed before I started to make art again.

During the years when I wasn’t making art, I felt like I was hiding part of myself. I felt like no one really knew me because I didn’t completely identify with the person I allowed myself to become.  

More than 10 years have passed since I started making art again and my life is completely changed. I left the old career behind and have built my life around the things I love most. I make art often, every day if possible.

In this blog, I write about returning to art after a long absence. I hope my journey might inspire others who would like to start making art again or even for the first time.

You can read my first post by clicking below.

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DIY Stay-Wet Palette Video

Video: Acrylic Painting Tip - Keep Paint from D...

A cheap and simple tip to keep your paint from drying too quickly on the palette.

Video: Acrylic Painting Tip - Keep Paint from D...

A cheap and simple tip to keep your paint from drying too quickly on the palette.

my art supplies

My Tools for Success

When I finally returned to making art, my first project involved a few simple tools and I believe that it is one reason I stuck with it.

My Tools for Success

When I finally returned to making art, my first project involved a few simple tools and I believe that it is one reason I stuck with it.

getting unstuck from creative block

How I Got Unstuck from Creative Block

The project that helped me return to making art after a 10 year absence.

How I Got Unstuck from Creative Block

The project that helped me return to making art after a 10 year absence.

Is this limiting belief holding you back?

Is this limiting belief holding you back?

This one limiting belief stopped me from making art for a decade!

Is this limiting belief holding you back?

This one limiting belief stopped me from making art for a decade!

creativity art blog

Returning to Art

If you're new to my blog, start here.... Making art was the most important thing to me, so why did I stop creating for a decade?

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Returning to Art

If you're new to my blog, start here.... Making art was the most important thing to me, so why did I stop creating for a decade?

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